Creating a Reset PIN Email Template

SirsiDynix e-Library offers a Reset PIN function which, if enabled, allows SirsiDynix e-Library patrons to reset their PINs online. After entering their user name, patrons are sent an email with a link to a web page where they can reset their PIN.

Delivered with SirsiDynix Symphony is a default template for the email which is sent to the patron to reset their PIN. You may, however, wish to create a custom email template for use by your library.

To create a custom email template

Note: You may also rename copies of the template file if you wish to use different templates for different environment files.

The email template is an HTML-based document. You may add to or edit the template as you would any HTML document. You may need to use the following tags in your document to deliver the appropriate information to your patrons.




The placeholder for the link generated by the software that directs the user to e-Library to reset their PIN.


The placeholder for the user's PIN that is retrieved by the software.

Note: If your library does not allow patrons to reset their PINs, you can use the <PIN> tag in your email template instead. However, SirsiDynix does not recommend this or similar methods that use the <PIN> tag because of security concerns.

The following are the components of the email template you may customize for your library. The template also contains three body tags to which you may add any other messages or custom features.




Return address


You can replace this placeholder with an appropriate return email address.


PIN recovery

You can replace this placeholder with a custom subject line.

To use your custom email template

The change is saved to the corresponding environment file.

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