Enabling SMS Configuration in My Account

You can enable users to directly enter the phone number or numbers they want to use for receiving SMS text messages from the library and what types of messages they want to get.

To enable this feature, you will need to have access to your system’s environment file (system.env) or specific environment files.

To enable SMS configuration in My Account



This allows patrons to select the country code to add to their phone number for sending the SMS messages.

If it is not displayed, then the system assigns the default country code value that you specify in the specific environment file, the system environment file, or in SirsiDynix Symphony WorkFlows (in that order).

If you have enabled the country code drop-down list for patrons, this value determines the default selection for that list.

If you have not enabled thje drop-down list, then this value determines what country code will be automatically added to the phone number entered by the patron.

You must set the value to a valid POLNAME from the COUNTRYCODE policy list.


If you do not specify a value or if the value you specify is not in the policy list, the system uses the default that is set in SirsiDynix Symphony WorkFlows.

The system uses the new settings with the next browser session.

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