Fields: Catalog Searching

Path: Catalog Searching

Catalog Searching lists variables that affect search and display options available on the opening SirsiDynix e-Library page.


Specifies the environment level at which to apply settings.

Catalog Searching Variable List

Displays a list of the variables you can change for the Catalog Searching section.

The list displays this information:




Displays the name of the variable.

Hover your mouse cursor over the variable name to see a tool tip with more information about the field.


Specifies the value to use for the variable. This option is only enabled when Use Base is not checked.

Depending on the type of variable, you can select Yes or No for the value, enter text, or select an option from a list.

Use Base

Specifies whether to use the displayed Base Value for the variable in the specified Environment.

Base Value

Displays the default value used for the variable at the selected Environment level.

My Favorites Config

This variable displays the My Favorite... options on the opening page of e-Library to individual personal access patrons.

Most Popular Config

This variable displays the What Others Are Reading box on the opening page of e-Library.

Quicksearch Library Options

This variable determines which list of libraries will show in the drop-down list in Quick Search.

If Both SRCL and LIBR is selected, both the Search Library policies and the Library policies will display.
If SRCL only is selected, only the Search Library policies will display.
If LIBR only is selected, only the Library policies will display.

More information about creating Search Library policies may be found in the WorkFlows Java client helps.

Powersearch Library Options

This variable determines which list of libraries will show in the drop-down list in Power Search.

If Both SRCL and LIBR is selected, both the Search Library policies and the Library policies will display.
If SRCL only is selected, only the Search Library policies will display.
If LIBR only is selected, only the Library policies will display.

More information about creating Search Library policies may be found in the WorkFlows Java client helps.

Catalog Icon Search

This variable causes a Keyword radio button to display above the Quick Search search field. Selection of this radio button allows a keyword search to be done against the catalog.

A keyword search looks for the specified words in the search index selected from the drop-down list, searching the items in the chosen search library. If you choose “words or phrase,” the software will search all indexed fields for the specified keyword(s).

For instance, if you perform a keyword search for “example,” and select words or phrase from the drop-down list of search indexes, you’ll see records that have “example” in any indexed MARC field, such as title, author, subject, series, or serial title.

However, if you select the subject search index, e-Library will only search for records that have “example” in the subject field of the MARC record.

Catalog Icon Browse

This variable causes a Browse radio button to display above the Quick Search search field. Selection of this radio button allows a browse to be done against the catalog.

A browse search allows you to search the chosen library’s catalog alphabetically by heading, starting with the term that you specify in the search bar. You may also select a search index from the drop-down list. For example, a browse search in the author index will return an alphabetical list of author headings.

A browse search will not return individual results. By clicking on those headings you may view the individual records that they contain.

Catalog Icon Exact Search

This variable causes an Exact radio button to display above the Quick Search search field. Selection of this radio button allows an exact search to be done against the catalog.

An exact search functions as a browse search, but also returns specific results if they exactly match the search.

For instance, if you perform an exact search for “example,” in the subject index, and “example” is an exact match to a subject heading, the individual items in that heading display. If “example” does not exactly match any subject heading, an alphabetical list of subject headings displays, starting with the letter E.

Catalog Icon Term Search

This variable causes a Term search radio button to display above the Quick Search search field. Selection of this radio button allows a term search to be done against the catalog.

A term search functions as a keyword search, looking for the search term in the MARC record fields that correspond with the selected search index.

However, a term search specifically looks for fields that start with the search term. For instance, if you search “example” in the words and phrase index, you’ll see any records that have at least one indexed MARC field that starts with “example.”


Specifies to save all changes made.

Note: You do not need to save changes to each page. This button saves the settings made to all pages of the Admin console.