Fields: General Access

Path: General Access

General Access lists variables that affect user login, session timeout, and a couple search parameters.


Specifies the environment level at which to apply settings.

General Access Variable List

Displays a list of the variables you can change for the General Access section.

The list displays this information:




Displays the name of the variable.

Hover your mouse cursor over the variable name to see a tool tip with more information about the field.


Specifies the value to use for the variable. This option is only enabled when Use Base is not checked.

Depending on the type of variable, you can select Yes or No for the value, enter text, or select an option from a list.

Use Base

Specifies whether to use the displayed Base Value for the variable in the specified Environment.

Base Value

Displays the default value used for the variable at the selected Environment level.

User ID Access

Specifies whether to display the User ID field for the user.

You must have either this or the Alternate ID Access variable set to Yes. If both variables are set to No, the system changes the setting of User ID Access to Yes.

If both variables are set to Yes, both display for the user. In this case, the system automatically includes the text “or,” before the Alternate ID text.

With the Make User ID Uppercase variable, you can specify whether to have the system convert the entered value to all capital letters. This is typically used for LDAP connections where the LDAP system is case-sensitive.

User ID Label

Specifies the text for the label that displays in front of the User ID Access field for the user login.

This is only valid when the User ID Access value is set to Yes.

Alternate ID Access

Specifies whether to display the Alternate ID field for the user.

You must have either this or the User ID Access variable set to Yes. If both variables are set to No, the system changes the setting of User ID Access to Yes.

If both variables are set to Yes, both display for the user. In this case, the system automatically includes the text “or, “ before the Alternate ID text.

Alternate ID Label

Specifies the text for the label that displays in front of the Alternate ID Access field for the user login.

This is only valid when the Alternate ID Access value is set to Yes.

PIN Access

Specifies whether to display the PIN field for the user. This is typically turned off when only using group or library IDs for logging in.

Note: The SirsiDynix e-Library system does not automatically change the user-entered case of the PIN. You can configure Symphony to handle this on the server-side, if necessary.

Turning off PIN Access means that users will not be able to enter their PIN at login. This setting is typically turned off when the PIN is a blank or empty value, so the user does not need to enter a specific value.

PIN Prompt Label

Specifies the text for the label that displays in front of the PIN Access field for the user login.

Login Form Title

Specifies the text that appears on the login button for the user.

Persistent Login

Specifies whether to remember the user login information for their entire browsing session when the user does not log in from the Search/Home page.

If the user logs in from the Search/Home page, the software always remembers the user’s login information for the entire browsing session, regardless of the setting chosen for this field.

Select Yes to keep the login credentials and automatically log the user in during that web session. Select No to require the user to provide login credentials every time they are needed.

For example, with Persistent Login disabled, The user would enter SirsiDynix e-Library, go to My Account, log in to view their information, return to the home page, perform a search, attempt to place a hold on a search result, and log in again.

With Persistent Login enabled, the user in the previous scenario would only have to log in the first time, when they accessed My Account. Their login credentials would be saved and automatically used when attempting to place the hold.

If you enable Persistent Login, you should remind your patrons to log out of e-Library when they are done so that no one else can get access to their account.

Session Timeout

Specifies the number of seconds to wait during no user activity before a session timeout occurs.

Use Library All

Specifies whether to include the option for the user to search all libraries in the search group.

Select Yes to have the system automatically include the text ALL in the library search drop-down list.

Use Library Here

Specifies whether to include the option for the user to search only the current location. This is useful when the user is searching at a library, from a library terminal.

Select Yes to have the system automatically include the text HERE in the library search drop-down list. When the user selects this option, the system determines the current library location and limits the search to only that location.

This allows you to limit the search to your current library without actually having a list of libraries in the drop-down list, or without needing the user to know the name of the library.


Specifies to save all changes made.

Note: You do not need to save changes to each page. This button saves the settings made to all pages of the Admin console.

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