Fields: Look and Feel

Path: Look and Feel

Look and Feel lists variables that affect the display of SirsiDynix e-Library, such as the Library Logo, the Title displayed at the top of the page, and the Library Slogan.


Specifies the environment level at which to apply settings.

Look and Feel Variable List

Displays a list of the variables you can change for the Look and Feel section.

The list displays this information:




Displays the name of the variable.

Hover your mouse cursor over the variable name to see a tool tip with more information about the field.


Specifies the value to use for the variable. This option is only enabled when Use Base is not checked.

Depending on the type of variable, you can select Yes or No for the value, enter text, or select an option from a list.

Use Base

Specifies whether to use the displayed Base Value for the variable in the specified Environment.

Base Value

Displays the default value used for the variable at the selected Environment level.

Liblogo Gif

This variable is the name of the .gif image that is displayed in the titlebar at the top of each e-Library page. This variable may be set as blank if no icon is desired. The image chosen must live in the directory defined in the IMG_OTHER variable from the .env files on the e-Library server.


This variable is the title that displays in the title bar in e-Library at the top of each e-Library page.

Library Slogan

This variable is the phrase that displays at the top of each e-Library page after the Title.

The slogan automatically wraps to the next line if it is long.


This variable is the phrase that displays at the bottom of each page, in the copyright area after the SirsiDynix logo.

Webcat Name

This variable is the OPAC name. The value appears as the <title> element at the top of the browser. By default, it reads as e-Library.

Custom CSS

This variable allows you to specify a custom stylesheet for use in e-Library. A new custom CSS file must first be created on the server under Unicorn/Webcat/Config/Css before it can be specified here.

When you set up the web server by running setup_webcat (for example, as part of the upgrade process), the web server copies any CSS files it finds in Unicorn/Webcat/Config/Css to a directory on the web server. If you want to add a new custom stylesheet after running setup_webcat, you can place it directly in your web server’s CSS directory.

For example, if you are running Apache with the default directory layout, you could place the custom style sheet in Apache/Htdocs/Css.

Custom CSS changes are the responsibility of the System Administrator. SirsiDynix Client Care assistance is not available.

Libinfo Config

This variable displays the Library Information box on the opening page of e-Library.

The Library Information elements themselves are configured in the WorkFlows Java client under Gateway Database configuration.

Libinfo Lislen

This variable displays the specified number of Library Information entries on the opening page.

Use Social Footer

This variable displays the social library message and links in the e-Library footer. This variable is set to 1 by default.


Specifies to save all changes made.

Note: You do not need to save changes to each page. This button saves the settings made to all pages of the Admin console.

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