Logging out of SirsiDynix e-Library

After you have finished using the Admin console, you can end your administrative user session by logging out. Logging out limits any unauthorized access to the Admin console using your administrative account information.

If you log out of your administrative session and then click the Back button on your web browser to return to the previously-viewed page in the Admin console, SirsiDynix e-Library will correctly display the page and its associated data. If you then try to make changes to the page or navigate elsewhere in the Admin console, SirsiDynix e-Library will display the Login page prompting you to login in order to make your changes.

If you begin an administrative user session and the session times out due to inactivity, when you attempt to continue working within that user session, the software either redisplays the Login page or displays an error message indicating that an unexpected error has occurred and prompting you to restart your administrative user session. You must log in again to begin another administrative user session.

To log out of SirsiDynix e-Library

The software displays the Logout page.

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