Fields: Reset PIN Configuration

The Reset PIN option allows patrons to reset their PINs online. Web site administrators have the ability to switch this functionality on and off for their library's web site.

You can change the following from the Reset PIN configuration tab.

Path: Reset PIN Configuration

Reset PIN Configuration lists variables that affect the use of the Reset PIN functionality in SirsiDynix e-Library.


Specifies the environment level at which to apply settings.

Reset PIN Configuration Variable List

Displays a list of the variables you can change for the Reset PIN Configuration section.

The list displays this information:




Displays the name of the variable.

Note: Hover your mouse cursor over the variable name to see a tool tip with more information about the field.


Specifies the value to use for the variable. This option is only enabled when Use Base is not checked.

Depending on the type of variable, you can select Yes or No for the value, enter text, or select an option from a list.

Use Base

Specifies whether to use the displayed Base Value for the variable in the specified Environment.

Base Value

Displays the default value used for the variable at the selected Environment level.

Use Reset PIN Link

If this variable is set to Yes, the Reset PIN? link displays in the user interface. The Reset PIN functionality becomes fully operational with all default options selected.

This option corresponds to the USE_FORGOT_PIN variable in the system.env file.

URL to recover password for third party authentication servers

Specifies the URL to which the patron will be directed when the Reset PIN? link is clicked. If your library makes use of third party authentication servers, you may enter an appropriate URL to which your patrons can be directed to reset their passwords in this field.

This option corresponds to the FORGOT_PIN_LINK variable in the system.env file.

Template file to send to users recovering their PINs

Specifies the name of the email template file SirsiDynix e-Library will use to email patrons a link to where they may reset their PINs. If your library does not allow patrons to reset their PINs, this email template may be used to provide the patron's current PIN through email. A default email template is delivered with SirsiDynix Symphony but you may create a custom template for use by your library.

For more information about this field, see Creating a Reset PIN Email Template.

This option corresponds to the FORGOT_PIN_EMAIL_TEMPLATE variable in the system.env file.

Reset PIN Label

Specifies the text for the Reset PIN? link.

This option corresponds to the FORGOT_PIN variable in the system.env file.

Reset PIN Button Label

Specifies the text for the Reset PIN button on the Reset PIN page.

This option corresponds to the RESET_PIN variable in the system.env file.

Check Email Message

Specifies the text that is displayed to patrons after they have submitted their information.

This option corresponds to the CHECK_EMAIL variable in the system.env file.