Fields: My Account

Path: My Account

My Account lists the variables you can customize for the My Account section of SirsiDynix e-Library.


Specifies the environment level at which to apply settings.

My Account Variable List

Displays a list of the variables you can change for the My Account section.

The list displays this information:




Displays the name of the variable.

Hover your mouse cursor over the variable name to see a tool tip with more information about the field.


Specifies the value to use for the variable. This option is only enabled when Use Base is not checked.

Depending on the type of variable, you can select Yes or No for the value, enter text, or select an option from a list.

Use Base

Specifies whether to use the displayed Base Value for the variable in the specified Environment.

Base Value

Displays the default value used for the variable at the selected Environment level.

Use Hold Queue Position

Specifies whether to display the user’s position in the hold queue on the Outstanding Holds list in My Account > Review My Account.

When you set this variable to Yes, the Availability column shows the position the user holds in the queue for each item on Hold. When you set it to No, the column only displays whether the item is available yet.

Use Edit Hold

Specifies whether the user can change the pickup location for a hold.

When set to Yes, the Outstanding Holds list in My Account > Review My Account displays an Edit Selected Hold Options area above the Cancel selected holds button. If the user clears the Cancel Selected box, they can specify a new pickup location or change the hold expiration date.

When set to No, the user can only cancel any selected holds.

Use Mail Service

Specifies whether the Delivery Method column displays on the Outstanding Holds list in My Account > Review My Account.

If this is set to Yes, the delivery method displays for each item.

Use Suspend Hold

Specifies whether the user can activate or suspend items that are on hold.

When set to Yes, the Outstanding Holds list in My Account > Review My Account displays an Activate or Suspend Selected Holds area below the Cancel selected holds button.

For each selected hold item, the user can select whether to suspend it or re-activate it. The user must enter the start and end date when suspending one or more holds.

Use Hold Expiration Date

Specifies whether the Expires column displays on the Outstanding Holds list in My Account > Review My Account.

This column shows when the hold request expires if the hold cannot be filled by the specified date.

Allow User to Renew Charges

Specifies whether the Times renewed column displays in Checkouts list in My Account > Review My Account.

This column shows the number of times they have renewed the item.

Use Renew Review

Specifies whether the Renew Selected Items button displays in the Checkouts list in My Account > Review My Account.

This setting does not affect whether users can go to My Account > Renew My Materials.

Use My Account Call Numbers

Specifies whether item call numbers display along with their corresponding titles in the My Account interface.

Use My Account Author

Specifies whether item authors display along with their corresponding titles in the My Account interface.

Use Request Type Descriptions

Specifies whether Request Type policy descriptions should be used in the SirsiDynix e-Library user interface. For example, if the MESSAGE Request Type policy contained a description of "message", the request type would display as "message" instead of "MESSAGE" in the user interface.

Note: If there is no description in a given Request Type policy, SirsiDynix e-Library uses the policy name.

For more information about Request Type policies, see the "Request Type Wizard" help topic of the WorkFlows Online Help.


Specifies to save all changes made.

Note: You do not need to save changes to each page. This button saves the settings made to all pages of the Admin console.

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