Configuring Apache for enriched content

The content for Syndetics and NoveList loads through Apache's proxy module, which comes standard on Apache 2.2.6. This module is faster and more secure than the pass-through-proxy shell script that was previously used to transfer this information. However, you’ll need to configure the httpd.conf file in the directory where Apache is installed.

No further configuration is needed for non-Apache systems on Windows.

Syndetics and NoveList content will not work until you configure the httpd.conf file as indicated in the following tasks.

We have certified and tested the following versions of Apache to work with SirsiDynix e-Library:

For most platforms: Apache 2.2.6
For AIX: Apache 2.2.16
For HP-UX: HP-UX Apache-based Web Server v.

To configure Apache for enriched content

Apache must have the mod_proxy and mod_proxy_http modules in order to work with enriched content.

To check for these modules, do the following:

LoadModule proxy_module modules/

LoadModule proxy_http_module modules/

If the lines are not in the httpd.conf file, continue to step 1f. Otherwise, skip to step 2.

For an SSL connection, do the following instead:

Note: You may need to configure the SYN_REL_PATH variable in the e-Library system.env file. For more information see Configuring Syndetics enriched content.

Note: You may need to configure the NOV_REL_PATH variable in the e-Library system.env file. For more information see Configuring NoveList enriched content.

If the setting is not set to be on, change it to On.

SSLProxyEngine On

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