Configuring Syndetics enriched content

After the SirsiDynix e-Library server has been configured for enriched content, you need to set up the display of each type of enriched content.

To configure Syndetics enriched content

For details on setting up these policy files, see step 8 in Configuring e-Library for enriched content.



To set the display flag, you set the value of the variable to 1. For example:


Note: The content will only display if it has been set in the policy files as well. (For more information, see step 8 inConfiguring e-Library for enriched content.)



Note: If these variables are not in your environment file and you want the Syndetics widget to work, you need to add them.

If you are not using SSL, you should change the value to start with “http://” instead of “https://”.

You can set the flag for the following variables:

To set the display flag, you set the value of the variable to 1. For example:


Note: The content will only display if it has been set in the policy files as well. (For more information, see step 8 inConfiguring e-Library for enriched content.)


You can also set the variable to a value of 1 (or remove the variable completely) to turn the summaries back on.

The system uses the new settings with the next browser session.

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