Configuring ChiliFresh enriched content

After the SirsiDynix e-Library server has been configured for enriched content, you need to set up the display of each type of enriched content.

To access ChiliFresh reviews, you must set up a couple variables. The web page files for SirsiDynix e-Library 3.7.1 revD already have the necessary codes so you do not need to modify the page files.

If you are using both SirsiDynix Enterprise and SirsiDynix e-Library, you must configure your ChiliFresh account as both Symphony and Enterprise because of how ChiliFresh handles language codes and the fact that SirsiDynix e-Library sends a different language code than SirsiDynix Enterprise.

To configure ChiliFresh enriched content




The system uses the new settings with the next browser session.

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