Fields: Admin console

Path: Log In > Configuration Admin

The Admin console lets you set up and make changes to how SirsiDynix e-Library displays and functions to patrons. Choose the environment and navigation option that corresponds to the settings that you want to define or modify.


Specifies the environment level at which to apply settings.

Server version

Displays the version of the server that SirsiDynix e-Library is connected to.

This information is also available as a comment in the page source for all SirsiDynix e-Library pages. To see the page source in Mozilla Firefox, choose View, then Page Source. To see it in Internet Explorer, choose View, then Source. The server version and the environment policy name and number are listed near the top of the page source.

Navigation options

Lets you choose which administrative features you want to set up or modify.

You can choose these options:



General Access

Lets you manage the general login settings. (For more information, see Fields: General Access .)

Look and Feel

Lets you change the display of the site. (For more information, see Fields: Look and Feel.)

List Content

Lets you add or remove additional content from the search home page. (For more information, see Fields: List Content.)

Catalog Searching

Lets you specify search options. (For more information, see Fields: Catalog Searching.)

Catalog Hitlist

Lets you manage the display of information on the hit list page. (For more information, see Fields: Catalog Hit List.)

Detailed Display

Lets you change what displays on the item detail page. (For more information, see Fields: Detailed Display.)

My Account

Lets you specify some features that appear in the My Account area for users. (For more information, see Fields: My Account.)

Online User Registration

Lets you add or remove fields from the online registration form. (For more information, see Fields: Online User Registration.)

LDAP Configuration

Lets you manage the LDAP connection and configuration. (For more information, see Fields: LDAP Configuration.)

Reset PIN Configuration

Lets you manage the Reset PIN configuration. (For more information, see Fields: Reset PIN Configuration.)

BLUEcloud Commerce Configuration

Lets you manage the BLUEcloud Commerce configuration for SirsiDynix e-Library. (For more information, see Fields: BLUEcloud Commerce Configuration.)

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